The event of the social year was undoubtedly the parish pantomime " The Sleeping Beauty." In the words of the Merton and Morden News: " This was a pantomime that went with a swing. There was comedy from Donald Horne as Mother Broome the palace sweeper, and from Bill Nicholson as the absent-minded King of Palladia. There was drama from Olive Maltby as the wicked Fairy Nettle and romance; provided by attractive Valerie Grant as the sleeping beauty who meets her principal boy (Doreen Gamble) tradition-wise." Capacity audiences on the two nights the show ran were impressed by the wonderful way it was dressed. Few can have guessed that all the costumes were home-made. The large cast which somehow or other packed on to the stage of the church hall included Rosalind Ware, Ann Riches, Wendy Inward, Sally Pullen-Berry and Ann Hutton as dancing fairies, and Joyce Langford as Queen Sunbeam the fairy queen. Everyone agreed Marilyn Lewis was a delight as a little elf. Margaret Flowers was Tilly and Ned Passenger was the Lord Chamberlain. Bettina Walgrave took the part of Toni, Prince Charming's equerry, and Phyllis Wood was Queen of Palladia. Also taking part were Colin Wood, Peter Inward, Colin Campbell, Shirley Swatridge, Lynne Cooper, Colin D'Arvall, Norman Black, Mauren Horne, Ann Hope, Ann Ford, Pamela D'Arvall, Sheila Newman, Jennifer Critchley, Deidre Waring and Mary Ashford. Mrs. Marian Hutton was the pianist, Trevor Penny was stage manager,. and dances were aranged by Alice Childs. Brian Severy, David Spenser and Graham Gamble saw to the lighting. Mrs. Casselton and Mrs. Inward saw to the wardrobe. Barbara Penny, as prompt, had a very easy time ! Everyone, whether in the show or in the audience, should be immensely grateful to the producer, Mr. Charles Flowers, for all he put into making the show such an unqualified success.